Data Logging Sensor measures CO2, temperature, and humidity.
Press Release Summary:

K-33 indoor/outdoor, low-power sensor can store up to 5,400 data points in on-board memory for later download and analysis. With sleep mode enabled, sensor can be powered by 4 AA batteries and remotely record atmospheric conditions for weeks or months. For rapid application prototyping or scientific experiments, SDK enables I2C, UART, analog, and digital outputs via USB connection. Software also allows user to read sensor data log and program parameters for custom applications.
Original Press Release:
Battery-Powered Sensor Measures CO2, Temperature, Humidity unveils affordable, open source data-logging sensor for indoor and outdoor applications
FENTON, Mich., Aug. 10 - Scientists, environmental and agricultural engineers who need to measure indoor and outdoor changes in carbon dioxide levels now have a new tool available with the introduction of the K-33 CO2 sensor.
The K-33 is a low-power sensor that measures carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity. Up to 5,400 data points can be stored in on-board memory and downloaded later for analysis. With its unique "sleep" mode enabled, the sensor can be powered by four AA batteries, and can remotely record atmospheric conditions for weeks or months at a time.
"These sensors open up whole new possibilities for research and new product development," according to Ray Hicks, President of "Dozens of companies and universities have told us about projects they are working on, from crop studies to carbon sequestration where these new sensors will be invaluable."
For rapid application prototyping or scientific experiments, an inexpensive open source SDK (software development kit) is available for the K-33 sensor. This kit enables I2C, UART (serial), analog and digital outputs via a USB connection. The software allows the user to both read the sensor data log as well as program dozens of parameters for custom applications.
For more information about the K-33 sensor, visit, e-mail, or call 877.678.4259 toll free.
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Ray Hicks
President, Sundae Corporation