Customizable Water Wash Injectors Available from Spraying Systems Co.
An extensive line of spray injectors is available from Spraying Systems Co. Injectors are fabricated based on the application requirements. Injector insertion length, materials, special coatings, nozzle type, flange style and other attributes are typically specified by the customer.
Commonly used in FCCU and fractionator overheads, hydrotreaters and pipelines to minimize corrosion, cracking, blistering or eliminate salt build-up or sour gas, water wash injectors are usually equipped with full cone, hollow cone or fine spray nozzles and constructed of high-performance alloys to withstand erosion, corrosion and/or high temperatures.
Spraying Systems Co. injectors can be manufactured to meet Canadian Registration Number requirements and ASME® B31.1, B31.3, welding, and boiler and pressure vessel codes. Physical testing options include visual testing, positive material identification, radiographic examination, liquid penetrant examination, hydrotesting, weld maps, spray/flow testing and more.
The company also offers process modeling services to verify injector performance under specific operating conditions. Computational Fluid Dynamics, Finite Element Methods and Fluid Structure Interaction are used to analyze injector design and uncover potential problems caused by process conditions.
In addition to water wash injectors, Spraying Systems Co. offers built-to-order desuperheating, insulated, recirculating, air purge, retractable injectors, quills and spool pieces.
Spraying Systems Co. is the global leader in spray technology. It has the broadest product range in the industry, several manufacturing facilities and sales offices in more than 85 countries. Spray nozzles, turnkey spray systems, custom fabrication and research/testing services comprise the 70-year-old company's offering. More information is available at or by contacting the company directly at 1-630-665-5000.