Cordless Grease Gun reduces down time.
Press Release Summary:
Model 575, for high-pressure, high-flow applications, incorporates rechargeable 12 V NiCd battery and motor in handle to provide optimal balance for ease of use. NiCd battery offers twice the life of batteries in existing cordless grease guns. Gun has flow rate of 5.25 oz/min @ 1,000 psi and max delivery pressure of 6,500 psi. Loading options include 14 oz cartridge, 16 oz bulk, and suction loading capability. Model 575-A comes with one battery and Model 575-B includes 2 batteries.
Original Press Release:
New Alemite Cordless Grease Gun Improves Productivity by Reducing Down Time
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - (August 21, 2003) - Alemite Corporation recently introduced a new 12-volt cordless grease gun that produces more grease on a single charge in high-pressure, high-flow applications than any Cordless Power Grease Gun. In developing the new Model 575 Cordless Grease Gun, Alemite looked at ways to help technicians and mechanics improve their day-to-day productivity.
"We looked at all of the factors that could potentially create down time or slow production, including battery life, ease of use and grease capacity," says Todd Kierstead, project manager at Alemite. "Then we addressed each of these. The Model 575 is the result. Even though the product has only been commercially available since June, we have already heard from our customers about how the 575 has improved their productivity. "
The Model 575 uses a rechargeable 12V NiCd battery that offers twice the life of batteries in existing and competitive cordless grease guns. Alemite also designed the handle and motor to provide optimal balance and ease of use. Existing, competitive guns mounted the battery and motor at the top of the unit, making it unbalanced and uncomfortable to use. Alemite mounted the battery and motor on the 575 within the handle, creating a better balance and feel, making it easier to use for longer periods of time. To reduce fatigue, customers can purchase an optional shoulder strap. Two models are available - the 575-A, which comes with a single battery and the 575-B, which comes with two batteries.
"We have gotten an average of two hours additional production every day since we switched to this gun," says Byron Malone, a maintenance technician at Zemex Industrial Minerals in Attapulgus, Georgia. "Alemite has taken the concept of a battery-powered grease gun and made it practical for use in high output production facilities."
The Model 575 features a flow rate of 5.25 ounces per minute at 1,000 psi and a maximum delivery pressure of 6,500 psi. It also comes with three loading options - a 14-ounce cartridge, a 16-ounce bulk, and suction loading capability, making it ideal across many lubrication applications, include use in manufacturing facilities, steel mills, paper mills, construction sites and quick lube shops. The Model 575 also comes with a convenient carrying case.
Alemite was established in 1919 and is the world's leading producer of lubrication supplies and equipment, including pumps, reels, grease fittings, grease guns, accessories and automatic lubrication devices. Located in Charlotte, N.C., Alemite maintains a worldwide sales force and network of distributors. The company's ongoing goal is to serve customer needs by providing high quality products that have high value and utility, with excellent service and support, while maintaining the highest level of integrity.
For more information about Alemite or the Model 575 - or to place an order - contact Alemite Corporation in the U.S. and Canada at 1-866-4-Alemite (1-866-425-36483) or fax to 1-800-648-3917. Information is also available on the Web site, located at