Cooling System suits dry grinding applications.
Press Release Summary:
Kool-Grind System includes chiller with 4x4 in. plate and 6x12 in. electromagnetic chuck. Chiller runs coolant through plate and chuck to cool work-piece during grinding, prevent heat build-up and warping, reduce grinding wheel breakdown, and allow closer tolerances. It avoids use of flood coolants or mist sprays. Applications include thin parts, mold inserts and die sections.
Original Press Release:
The New Harig Cooling System for Dry Grinding
Harig Manufacturing Corp. announces the availability of its New KOOL-GRIND SYSTEM. This patented cooling system for dry grinding consists of the new Kool-Drind Chiller with a 4x4 inch plate and/or a 6x12 inch electro-magnetic chuck. The Chiller runs coolant through the plate and/or chuck to cool the work-piece during grinding to prevent heat build-up and warping. This avoids the mess in the use of flood coolants or mist sprays, plus the cooling is done more effectively. This new Harig Kool-Grind System improves efficiency for many applications, such as thin parts, mold inserts and die sections. Close tolerances are more quickly achieved and grinding wheel breakdown is reduced.