Conveyor Oven Cures Ceramic Glue in Automotive Parts
Wisconsin Oven designed and manufactured two (2) electrically heated conveyor ovens to cure ceramic glue in filters for diesel truck exhausts. The customer's process consists of gluing together an array of small ceramic bricks that is sent through the first conveyor oven to remove water from the glue. After the array is dried it is cooled down. Several of the small brick arrays are then glued together to form a 12" x 12" x 18" array which is dried through the second conveyor oven. After the drying process this array is machined into a cylinder or elliptical which is used in the filters.
The first conveyor oven chamber is 5'0" wide x 7'2" long x 2'6" high. Parts are loaded on the conveyor 6 rows wide, on 18" centers. The conveyor oven has 5 index positions and the cool down has 4 positions. The second conveyor oven chamber is 6'0" wide x 14'8" long x 2'6" high. Parts are loaded on the conveyor 3 rows wide, on 30" centers and the conveyor has 6 index positions.
The conveyor ovens have a maximum temperature rating of 350° F with a normal operating temperature of 250° F. Both ovens utilize an indexing parallel chain style conveyor system with mechanical tube slats and locating pins to locate the customer's part fixtures and trays. Pneumatically operated vertical lift doors are located at both ends of each oven. The heating systems for both ovens feature incoloy sheathed heating elements with SCR power control. The first conveyor oven has a total of 144 kW heat input and the second a total of 192 kW. The recirculation system for the first conveyor oven has a 9,000 CFM @ 10 HP blower and the second has a 22,000 CFM @ 20 HP blower. Both conveyor ovens utilize top-down airflow which applies the hot air directly to the product. The parts fixtures on the first conveyor oven block the air from traveling through to the bottom of the conveyor oven and absorb the heat. The cool down system on the first conveyor oven uses two (2) 4,500 CFM @ 5 HP blowers that utilize bottom-up airflow which cools the part fixture first because it absorbs the most heat.
The NEMA 12 control enclosures on each oven include IEC style motor starters, push buttons, and pilot lights. The temperature on both conveyor ovens is controlled by a Honeywell UDC2500 temperature controller with auto-tune. For further details on this equipment, or if you would like to work with us on another application, contact our sales office at (262) 642-3938, or by email at For additional information on our Conveyor Ovens or to request a quote, visit our website at