ComNet Introduces Second Generation Video and Data Fiber Optic Product Line

All New Video with Up-The-Coax Data Product to Debut
Danbury, CT. June 30, 2009, Communication Networks of Danbury, Connecticut, doing business as ComNet(TM), a manufacturer of fiber optic transmission and networking equipment, has introduced and officially released their second generation of digital fiber optic video and data transmitters and receivers. The FVT1031UTC and FVR1031UTC Series are digital fiber optic video transmitters and receivers that support up-the-coax protocols for use over multimode or single mode optical fiber. The difference between these all-new ComNet models is these are 10-bit all-digital single fiber design that offers outstanding video performance and provide RS-250C Short-Haul Quality video. Most current competitive models are two fiber designs are offer analog or lower quality 8-bit digital encoding. As part of the ComNet value philosophy, The ComNet plan is to offer single fiber products at prices comparable to most competitive two fiber models.
According to Victor Milani, ComNet VP of Product Management "Video with up the coax data capabilities fiber optic products are used in applications where camera PTZ control is required. Just about every camera manufacturer offers some model that requires PTZ control. ComNet tests our products to work with Pelco Coaxitron, Panasonic Proteus and Bosch Bylinx. These are PTZ products whose control data is transported with the video over a coaxial cable.
The major advantage the ComNet FVTFVR1031UTC provides is exceptional video quality. I'm confident the performance and reliability of this model surpasses anything comparable on the market today," continued Milani.
"It's unusual for a company that's just a year old to already be introducing a second generation of products," said Skip Haight, ComNet Vice President of Marketing. "This second generation of products is the result of years of fiber optic experience. Our engineering staff was able to create a new design that gave increased video quality and performance without increasing cost. That alone was enough of a product differentiator to bring them to market as fast as possible" Haight continued.
ComNet offers an extensive line of fiber optic video and data transmission equipment as well as a line of Ethernet Network equipment that is uniquely toughened to meet the needs of the Security and Intelligent Transportation System market. Full product line details are available at The ComNet product line is represented by some of the top manufacturer rep firms in the US and Canada. Call direct 203-796-5300 or email for details.
ComNet is located in Danbury, CT in a state of the art manufacturing and production facility housing the key functions of engineering, production, shipping, sales, customer care, marketing and more.
For more information, please contact Skip Haight at 203.796.5340; or e-mail ComNet at Electronic files of this release and photos of ComNet products are available by contacting the ComNet Marketing Department via e-mail at
Frank Haight
Vice President of Marketing, ComNet.