CNC Web Drill processes structural steel.

Press Release Summary:

Model AWD-1250 incorporates single drill head that is vertically oriented for drilling in horizontal plane of steel members up to 50 in. wide. Infinitely variable 15 hp drill head accommodates 2 1/4 in. max hole size. Smart-Spindle technology automatically sets optimum stand-off distance between material and drill bit. AWD-1250 operates under Windows environment and is offered with either single- or 3-spindle head, capable of generating up to 3 different size holes.

Original Press Release:

Peddinghaus Corporation Introduces New CNC Web Drill Model AWD-1250

Peddinghaus Corporation of Bradley, Illinois recently expanded its product line of CNC controlled drill lines for the processing of structural steel. This new Model AWD-1250 differs totally from the other CNC structural drilling lines, as this system incorporates a single drill head that is vertically oriented for drilling in the horizontal plane of steel members up to 50" (1250 mm) in width.

The AWD-1250 CNC drill line features a 15 HP infinitely variable drill head that can accommodate up to 2-1/4" maximum hole size which makes this system equally suited to process heavy plates. This drill line, like all the Peddinghaus drilling systems, features a "Smart Spindle Technology" where the spindle automatically sets the optimum stand off distance between the material and the drill bit. In addition, this system automatically senses the exact moment that the drill bit finishes the drilling to reduce the actual drill cycle to the minimum.

The AWD-1250 CNC drilling line is constructed around the concept of the Peddinghaus CNC saw measuring system and its proprietary roller feed drive and measuring system. This design features an extremely narrow construction so it can easily be installed next to an existing saw without the need to become involved in a major realignment of an existing material handling system or plant layout. Since the material positioning and measuring system consists of internal rollers, it is not necessary to make a provision to install a measuring system on an existing conveyor system. This elimination of the need for a measuring carriage gives full material handling flexibility to transfer material to the left, right or straight ahead as it exits the drilling line.

The AWD-1250 operates under a Windows environment and can be provided with either a single or three-spindle head that can generate up to three different hole sizes without any time lost for a tool change operation. The AWD-1250 can also be placed in tandem with a CNC coping system to automate the process of producing floor beams in one operation.

Many fabricators find the approach of using an AWD-1250, with its low investment cost, as the ideal solution for additional hole generation capacity without the need to modify their existing material handling system and flow.

For more information on the new CNC web drill or any other Peddinghaus products, contact Peddinghaus Corporation at 815-937-3800; fax 815-937-4003; or visit their website at

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