CNC Bar Turning Center features 10 axis capability.
Press Release Summary:
Designed for 2 5/8 in. bar work, HiTURN 65 10X employs two 2 5/8 in. capacity, liquid-cooled opposing spindles that operate at 5,000 (main spindle) and 6,000 (sub-spindle) rpm. Both spindles have full C programmable in increments of .001°. Tooling configurations include 12-station, 3-axis turret; 4-station, 2-axis turret and separate cutoff slide for operations on main spindle; and 12-station, single-axis turret for machining operations on sub-spindle.
Original Press Release:
Intertech Worldwide Introduces 'Hiturn' 65 Ten Axis Bar Turning Center
Eash Hampton, CT July 19, 2006...INTERTECH WORLDWIDE CORPORATON announces the new HiTURN 65 10X CNC Bar Turning Center featuring 10 axis capability for 2 5/8" bar work. The tooling configurations include a 12 station 3 axis turret, a 4 station 2 axis turret and a separate cutoff slide for operations on the main spindle and a 12 station, single axis turret for machining operations on the sub-spindle allowing complete part machining from bar stock. Manufactured in the Czech Republic, the HiTURN 65 10X features two 2-5/8" capacity liquid cooled opposing spindles to ensure high quality operation.
The turrets are made by SAUTER. The tooling area design permits simultaneous machining of parts on both spindles for greater throughput and maximum footprint utilization.
An additional axis for machining on the sub-spindle side is provided by the Z2 programmable motion of the sub-spindle. The two 12 position turrets are capable of holding 12 live tools each including angle drilling or milling tools. All 3 turrets are capable of machining operations on either spindle. Collet systems are standard for both spindles. The machine can be equipped with 2 or 3 jaw chuck on both spindles in these sizes: 6.88" max. dia. - main spindle - 8.0" max. dia. on sub-spindle. Both spindle noses are A2-6. The main spindle has a top rpm of 5,000 and is driven by a 32 horsepower motor. The sub-spindle has a top speed of 6,000 rpm and is driven by a 22 horsepower motor. Both spindles have a full "C" programmable in increments of .001 degree. Standard equipment includes a parts catcher, parts conveyor, chip conveyor, sub-spindle blow type clean out, parts ejector, central coolant 60 psi. and high pressure coolant 250 psi. with filter.
The control is a FANUC 31i. The software includes many user-friendly programming aids including: all "G" codes & "M" function; history of the entries, parallel programming (MDI of a new program while running another program), error messages, 40 tool registers with tool offsets for each register, storage for up to 125 programs.
The U. S and Canadian sales for INTERTECH WORLDWIDE CORPORATION is located in a new 3500 square foot facility in East Hampton, CT. Product lines Include Multi-axis turning machines, Center Drive lathes, Fast Cut Twin Spindle CNC Lathes, CNC Screw Machines and Polygon Turning machines.