CG2 C3D Demonstration Application Employed in U.S. Army AAEF Exercise Tests Real-Time 3D Visualization of on-the-Move C4ISR Data from FBCB2 VMF Messages
CG2 Command and Control in 3D application developed under U.S. Army CERDEC Phase II SBIR uses game-style 2D/3D interface for enhanced C4ISR in live C4 exercise at Ft. Benning leveraging Quantum3D IData COTS Visual Computing Framework Tools
SAN JOSE, CA-October 30, 2006-CG2, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantum3D, Inc., announced today that software developed under a Phase II contract from the U.S. Army Communications Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC), Ft. Monmouth, NJ, under the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program is being employed in the fall Air Assault Expeditionary Force (AAEF) C4ISR On-The-Move experiment at Ft. Benning, GA.
The Command and Control in 3 Dimensions (C3D) technology demonstration combines FBCB2 VMF messaging, a Quantum3D GeoScapeSE COTS McKenna MOUT geospecific terrain database, high-resolution digital map imagery and Mil-Std-2525B symbology into an innovative C4ISR application designed to provide warfighters with an enhanced, real-time view of the battlefield environment by including 3D terrain and culture combined with an intuitive, game-style 2D/3D user interface that is designed for use in high-stress environments across multiple tactical platforms.
The graphical rendering engine used for the technology demonstration is based on the Quantum3D cross-platform IData COTS Visual Computing Framework, which includes the IData Human Machine Interface (HMI) suite, IData3D integrated real-time 3D scene manager and IDataMAP Digital Map components.
The CG2 C3D Application and the IData Visual Computing Framework, along with the Quantum3D family of Embedded Visual Computing products, will be on display in the Quantum3D Booths (No. 1301 and 1401) at the Interservice, International Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2006 in Orlando, FL, Dec. 4-7, 2006.
C3D Application Leverages COTS Tools and Digital Content
Quantum3D's IData COTS Visual Computing Framework provides the software foundation of the CG2 C3D application by furnishing a tool-based rapid development and portable runtime environment that significantly reduces code and application complexity without compromising capability or performance. The IData3D integrated real-time 3D scene management module provides low-overhead, powerful 3D rendering and computational capabilities for the C3D application. The IDataMAP digital map module provides a seamless, multi-resolution digital map of the battlefield area, scalable from a whole-earth view down to sub-meter imagery. The C3D application's 2D and 3D views are fully interactive and synchronized, with a powerful, easy-to-use, game-style user interface that enables rapid spatial and temporal understanding of the battlefield environment by tactical commanders and soldiers.
The C3D application also leverages Quantum3D's extensive collection of COTS, state-of-the-art digital media products and development tools. The C3D technology demonstration employs Quantum3D's GeoScapeSE McKenna MOUT geospecific terrain database, which features sub-meter imagery. In addition, the C3D technology demonstrator employs Quantum3D Facets real-time 3D models that are used to provide realistic unit geometric representation optimized for low-polygon count rendering. Mil 2525B symbology and user-interface content was developed using Quantum3D's IData HMI tool. All graphical content for the system has been developed in a tool-driven environment, eliminating time-consuming hand-coding and enabling rapid update and insertion of new capabilities.
C3D Support Flexible Messaging Tailorable Human Machine Interfaces
The CG2 C3D application provides an enhanced situational awareness picture based on the VMF messaging standard, the data backbone used by FBCB2. Internally, the C3D application features a flexible C2 backbone based on IData's Named Memory technology to communicate data from the VMF message parser to the user interface, which allows the C3D application to be used with many different messaging standards. In addition, the C3D application's use of IData allows for the rapid creation of tailored HMI elements to represent the data available from various C2 data interfaces. This flexibility makes the C3D system reusable and easily configurable to display data from the wide array of data sources used for C4ISR systems.
"The CG2 C3D application illustrates the power of real-time visual computing for bringing intuitive, timely data to enable rapid decision-making in a highly stressful environment," said Ross Q. Smith, CG2 president and Quantum3D co-founder and president. "By leveraging Quantum3D COTS software and digital media, CG2 is able to provide CERDEC with a powerful tool that we believe will be very helpful in assessing the benefits of advanced visualization for enhanced C4ISR for U.S. and allied forces. We are delighted to be working with CERDEC to bring these new capabilities to the warfighter."
About CG2
Founded in May 1995, CG2, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Quantum3D, Inc. and is a leading supplier of value-added, software, digital media and integrated real-time visual computing products for government customers in the real-time visual computing market. CG2's award winning products and capabilities include real-time multi-spectral 3D model and database development and conversion, integrated visual computing solutions for institutional, appended and embedded training applications, software tools and solutions for avionics, vetronics, C2 and C4ISR applications and development, operations and support of "hardware-in-the-loop" sensor simulation applications. For more information about CG2 services and solutions see or email For more information on Quantum3D and its family or real-time visual computing solutions and services, please visit or contact
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