Ceramic Adhesive makes high temperature bonds.
Press Release Summary:
Ceramabond 503 inorganic, water-soluble, alumina-filled adhesive system bonds nichrome heating element wire to mica ceramic parts so as to immobilize and electrically insulate wire from high temperature, high velocity air flows. It resists temperatures to 3200 ºF, can be applied by spatula, syringe or brush, cures in 1-2 hr at 700 ºF, and strengthens further to lap shear strength of 800-900 psi as it is exposed to temperatures above 1000 ºF.
Original Press Release:
Ceramabond 503 Now Used To Bond Nichrome Heating Elements In Dryers
Ceramabond 503, a new high temperature ceramic adhesive manufactured by Aremco Products, Inc., is now used to bond nichrome heating element wire to mica ceramic parts in order to immobilize and electrically insulate the wire from high temperature, high velocity air flows.
Ceramabond 503, a new single component alumina based adhesive system is now used to bond nichrome heating element wire to mica ceramics used in high temperature electrical appliance applications.
Ceramabond 503 is an inorganic, water-soluble, alumina-filled adhesive system that resists temperatures to 3200 F (1760 °C). It is applied easily by spatula, syringe or brush and fully cures in 1-2 hours at 700 ºF. Ceramabondtm 503 sinters and strengthens further to a lap shear strength of 800-900 psi as it is exposed to temperatures above 1000 ºF.
Additional applications for Ceramabond 503 include the assembly of dense ceramic components used in ultra high vacuums, the repairing of ceramic saggar plates used in furnaces, and the bonding and coating of platinum/rhodium resistance wires to aluminum oxide heater cores.
Ceramabond 503 is available from stock in pint, quart, gallon and five gallon drums. For more information about this advanced, new material, please contact Aremco's Technical Sales Department.