C-10EX (4W): Division 2, Class II Groups F & G Dust Ignition Protected
Providing a very high protection level inside the recovery tank and keeping the operator safe
Division 2 poses a unique challenge when it comes to housekeeping using vacuum cleaners. Equipment rated for Division 2 can be used for light maintenance during daily cleaning, for short periods of time. It is up to the user to evaluate and assess the conditions of operation. However, the situation is quite different inside the vacuum cleaner, where dust accumulates and is much more likely to create an explosion hazard. The inside of the vacuum cleaner becomes a Division 1.
Tiger-Vac's model C-10EX (4W) is an electrically operated, industrial vacuum cleaner designed for use in Division 2 environments. While its design and features make it a powerful and efficient tool for industrial housekeeping needs, one of its greater characteristics is what really sets it apart from the rest: its safety. C-10EX (4W) is part of Tiger-Vac's line of vacuums baring a double-marking.
The double-marking certified that the vacuum's is safe for use in Division 2, but also that the inside of C-10EX (4W)'s recovery tank provides a "very high protection level", for Division 1 conditions. This allows us to evaluate and rate every aspect of our vacuum cleaners. Tiger-Vac is the only manufacturer in America using such an approach. When using a Tiger-Vac « Division 2 » vacuum cleaner, you're not just safe: you're safer.
C-10EX (4W) comes equipped with a complete static dissipative toolkit as well as HEPA filtration. Find out more at http://www.tiger-vac.com/model.html?vacid=3.
About Tiger-Vac Inc.
Manufacturer of specialized vacuum cleaners designed for specific industrial applications, Tiger-Vac has over 40 years experience and an unmatched commitment to the safety of your workers and your work environment. Recognized as an industry leader, Tiger-Vac offers a complete line of explosion proof/ dust ignition proof vacuum cleaner systems for the recovery of combustible and flammable materials, vacuum systems with manufacturer certified HEPA and ULPA filters for cleanroom applications and contamination-controlled environments and vacuums for all heavy-duty applications in hazardous locations, such as metalworking, powder coating, aerospace and the food industry. For more information on our complete line of products and to learn more about industrial vacuum cleaners, visit our website: www.tiger-vac.com
Massimo De Pastena - Sales director, email: massimo@tiger-vac.com