BNC and Building Protection Systems (BPSI) Protect Civilians from Potential Radiation and Chemical Threats
Berkeley Nucleonics, (BNC, San Rafael, CA), provides complete radiation detection and isotope identification OEM package to Building Protection Systems, Inc. (BPSI, San Francisco, CA) for their Building Sentry One toxin protection system to protect New York buildings against a radiological "Dirty Bomb" attack.
Real time isotope identification by BNC's areaSAM networking detector system allow the Building Sentry One fixed installations to provide immediate detection, identification, and automatic HVAC shutdown to isolate the release protecting innocent building occupants and the assets of subscribing buildings in New York. The technology embedded in the SAM family of isotope identification products, provides real-time ANSI N42 compliant data for regional reachback for DOE & DNDO support. Through partnerships with several US DOE laboratories, BNC has developed a mature isotope library that BNC claims cannot be equaled by a commercial manufacturer of this type of equipment.
Leveraging a decade of algorithm development, BNC's turn key isotope identification modules give BPSI a reliable and immediate solution to nuclear detection. A mature library with shielded and non-shielded variations, indicate isotope categories such as Medical or Industrial, as well as the specific isotope mix that is causing the alarm. BPSI has combined our fixed radiation detection systems with chemical detection capabilities to provide a complete security solution to large commercial buildings, transit stations and public gathering venues.
"BPSI is glad to have partnered with the leader in fast accurate isotope identification. Our engineering requirements were stringent requiring broad spectrum detection, absolutely no false-positives and the immediate output of useful data. BNC has delivered for us," said Mike Welden of BPSI.
"Many of our new customers need a company with regional support personnel, expertise in nuclear spectroscopy, and an understanding of the issues non-technical user groups face. The development of a program starts with careful planning and needs to address mitigation plans and ongoing services," comments David Brown, Company President. "Radiation is out there, and we offer the products and services needed. The areaSAM deployment leverages our fast ID algorithms and our custom and OEM nature."
Berkeley Nucleonics claims to have the fastest isotope identification algorithms in the field, quickly identifying multiple sources in 1 - 2 seconds, often while moving. The core identification technology couples a patented transform called QCC with time-slice and background reduction modules. For the non-technical users, the resulting data is simple, accurate isotope identification. For the reachback community or staff spectroscopist, the analytical data is complete with full MCA reports and qualitative analysis.
About the Companies:
Berkeley Nucleonics, founded in 1963, offers a suite of radiation detection products using LaBr, NaI, GM (Geiger-Mueller) and HPGe detectors for gamma radiation detection, and 3He and Li6 for neutron detection. Additional products include Pulse, Delay and Arb/Function Generators for applications in NIM, High Voltage, Optics and Lasers, TTL / pS Rise Times, Precision Amplitude and Precision Time Domains. The range of nuclear radiation detection products typically address health physics, industrial and homeland security applications. The company has an inside sales team and independent representatives through the United States and in most international locations. Berkeley offers an accredited training program on radio-isotope identification, a range of calibration, repair, training, and services.
Building Protection Systems, Inc. provides critical facility protection from an airborne toxic targeted terrorist attack, or accidental release. BPSI's Dept. of Homeland Security Designated Building Sentry One(TM) (and the Metro Sentry One(TM) for public gathering spaces) is the first complete QATT (Qualified Anti-Terrorist Technology) system that incorporates proven sensor technology with proprietary firmware and software to Detect and Identify a toxic attack via the HVAC system within seconds. Immediately following, the Building Sentry One(TM) communicates with the existing Building Management System to shut down the building HVAC system to mitigate the spread of toxins throughout the building and Isolate the dangerous air. Critically, in parallel with the shut down, the Building Sentry One(TM) Informs BPSI's Remote Monitoring Center with real-time release data. The Remote Monitoring Center responds to predetermined protocols including instant notification and continued real time reporting to first responders expediting a safe building rescue.
Technical Contact:
Robert Corsetti
415-453-9955 x250
Media Contact:
Elaine Brello
415-453-9955 x 265
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