Aussie Hi-Mix EMS Specialist ON-Track Selects Rehm Thermal Systems

Sydney based ON-Track Technology, a flexible, hi-mix CEM offering complete electronic assembly services, has recently upgraded their SMT capability with the selection of Rehm Thermal Systems VXS 422 convection reflow solution.

Daniel Lin, Engineering Manager, explained why. "We needed more capable reflow than we had currently on our existing SMT lines. As we are a hi-mix manufacturer we need to make sure our reflow system is as repeatable and stable as possible, especially from leaded to lead-free. The VXS422 was shown to have the new specifications that we needed and once the oven arrived, it was in production on the first day. We have been impressed with the build quality and after review of the profiles, it certainly provides us the thermal control we need."

The VXS422 has 6 x heated zones top and bottom with heated tunnel length of 2100mm. VXS systems offer industry leading temperature separation, particularly between the last preheat and first peak zone. This enables excellent spike to peak temperature control, as well as allowing for maintaining the lowest delta T across the PCB.
Lin concluded, "The Rehm VXS422 will give us this capability now and into future."

The company works closely with Rehm's local technical partner, ONBoard Solutions Pty Ltd. The management and staff at ONBoard have deep, established relationships with the local market and their business model aligns closely with that of Rehm Thermal Systems.

Rehm Sales Director Martin Meyer, explained further; "Rehm Thermal Systems historically has been a technologically strong company and to have a partner with such complementary skills provides an important foundation for a strong future, as we continue to introduce new technology to the industry and expand our product offering beyond our historically recognized high volume automotive solutions"

About Rehm Thermal Systems

Rehm Thermal Systems ( is an international supplier to the electronics and photovoltaic industries, specializing in convection, condensation and selective soldering, as well as curing and firing technologies. Rehm has manufacturing operations in Germany, China, and Russia, and technical support facilities throughout Europe, Asia and North America.

Rehm Contact

Martin Meyer

Rehm Thermal Systems GmbH

Leinenstrasse 7


Blauberen, Germany

Tel: +49 7344 9606 0

E-mail :

Protean Marketing Contact

Debbie Gomez

Unit 1, Cutbush Court

Danehill, Lower Earley



Tel: +44 1189 759880


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