Atlas Vac Machine Receives U.S. Patent

Based on the customer input of many leading medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical firms, Atlas Vac Machine designed two new tray sealer features long sought by packaging engineers as well as their counterparts in quality, validation and production. These new features were recently awarded a patent by the U.S. Patent Office based on the application "Heat Sealer With Platen Surface Temperature Sensor
And Load Sensor".

In addition to the traditional imbedded thermocouple method of controlling a heat platen's temperature, Atlas Vac now provides, as standard equipment, an Infrared Thermal Vision System (patented), in parallel to the controller thermocouples, that directly senses the actual surface temperature of the heat platen at any time as displayed on the PLC operator screen. This system provides the packaging engineer a quick reference check across the face of the seal platen while in the clean room without stopping to use a hand held calibration probe. This patented feature is available only on Atlas Vac medical tray sealers.

Measuring sealing dwell time and platen surface temperatures have been straightforward. Now, only Atlas Vac Machine provides exact answers the third parameter, force, by offering an optional equipment choice of long sought instrumentation for a numerical value previously available only through air pressure
readings and press actuator performance curve calculations. Atlas Vac Machine Direct Force Sensing System (patented) provides a reading of the force (lbs.-force) exerted by the tray sealer press against the seal tooling on every stroke. By knowing the lbs-f exerted across the tray sealing tool face, packaging engineers can more closely monitor design variables and develop design guidelines for their materials on
new tray or blister designs. This patented feature is available only on Atlas Vac medical tray sealers.

Contact: John A. Abraham,

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