AirLoc Application News...
AirLoc Wedgmounts® with damping pads help keep Amada Turret Presses in place!
Recently, a national metal fabricating/stamping company contacted AirLoc asking for help
addressing the installation of two Amada Turret presses which were walking. The
company wanted to install the machines properly, but knew they would be moved within a
year, so they didn't want to anchor and/or grout. The machines had been sitting on metal
shims and vibrating excessively.
The solution provided by AirLoc was to supply bolt-on, precision leveling Wedgmounts®
with 700 series, high damping isolation pads. It is commonly known that
"isolation/damping" mounts reduce structurally transmitted vibration into the floor, but not
known that they can also reduce forces "reflected" back into the machine. The AirLoc 700
series damping pads attenuate forces, including reflected vibration by converting
transmitted forces to heat.
The customers' Amada Turret presses now transfer less vibration (see acceleration tests
below), do not walk, are more stable than when mounted on shims, and can be re-located
as needed without the added cost and time required to remove anchors and/or grout.