AirLoc Application News...
AirLoc 900 series pads used in die inverting tile protective floor system
Airloc pads have been used for die inverting floor systems where long life and rugged
construction are needed to protect large press dies and the floor they sit on from
being damaged. Dies for stamping presses and tandem press lines are generally
maintained in an area close to the machines where they are installed, and existing
floors where they sit are typically concrete or wood block construction. The use of
AirLoc 900 series pads solves the problem of damaged tools and floors when heavy
dies are moved and accidentally overturned or dropped.
As shown below, this AirLoc Die Inverting Tile System is an integrated, 65mm thick,
shock isolation pad system consisting of one layer of 25mm thick, 90 durometer, fiber
reinforced, neoprene pad with raised diamond shaped profile on both sides. The
negative profile allows for easy cleaning and the pad can be flipped over, when worn,
to expose a new surface. The top layer is supported on two sub-layers consisting of
flat surface, 90 durometer pads of the same material, and utilizing stacked layers to
match the existing floor thickness. This AirLoc Die Inverting Tile System can be
adapted to any size and depth of in-floor die turnover area.
For more information regarding AirLoc Die Inverting Systems or other pad
isolation systems of leveling mount, contact our headquarters in Franklin, MA
or your regional AirLoc Representative.