ADMET Servo Retrofits -- a Cost-Effective Way to Modernize Universal Testing Machines
NORWOOD, Mass. - Dec. 17, 2007 - ADMET Inc., a provider of integrated materials testing systems, is expanding and enhancing its product offerings for upgrading testing machines. The advances enable customers to equip their machines with state-of-the-art digital controllers, sophisticated materials testing software and fast acting servo motors and servo hydraulic power units. A machine upgraded by ADMET provides users with leading-edge testing capabilities at a price much less than what it would cost to purchase a new machine.
ADMET offers retrofit packages for both electromechanical and hydraulic testing machines. Throughout its 19-year history, ADMET has upgraded thousands of machines manufactured from the 1930s all the way up to present day systems. It can retrofit virtually any testing machine regardless of make or model, including those from ATS, Avery, Baldwin, Instron, SATEC, MTS, Reihle and Tinius Olsen. ADMET upgrades are designed to be installed on site in 2-4 days.
"Many testing labs have machines with outdated dial gauges, antiquated electronics, and manual controls, while others have more modern machines but lack the latest in digital controls and testing software. The machines are less efficient and prone to operator errors plus it becomes nearly impossible to verify that tests were preformed according to specification," commented Richard Gedney, ADMET founder and president. "New or retrofitted machines are more productive, minimize testing errors, ensure tests are being run according to specification and can automatically transmit results to corporate databases for archiving and faster reporting. Because the most expensive and durable component, the load frame, is reused, ADMET retrofits provide new machine performance but cost thousands less."
ADMET offers four basic servo hydraulic retrofits. The machine make and model, the condition of the hydraulics, and the customer's testing requirements dictate possible solutions. Costs range from $5,000 to $30,000 and include installing only a new digital controller to replacing the existing hydraulics with a new servo-hydraulic power unit. More retrofit solutions are available for electromechanical testing machines. Prices range from $5,000 to $20,000 that include installing only a new digital controller to replacing the existing motor and drive with a new fast-acting closed loop servo motor and drive.
Digital controls
ADMET also offers several digital controllers and materials testing software packages that gather, calculate and report data quickly and accurately. They can connect to personal computers and networks for spreadsheet and Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) storage and analysis. In addition, the units manage automatic pre-loads and resets, and precisely control load rates and other test parameters to speed up test cycles, eliminate operator error and deliver accurate, repeatable results that conform to American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) and international standards.
The ADMET Precise Digital Controller is an inexpensive unit that controls the entire test cycle, gathers and reports data for either manual recording or for uploading to a spreadsheet or LIMS. The MTESTWindows Materials Testing System is a Microsoft Windows-based system that controls the entire process and gathers, analyzes and reports test results. It can also post test results to printed reports, email distributions or Web portals.
Both the retrofit process and equipment solutions are custom designed by ADMET to fit customers' needs and take 2-6 weeks for delivery. Additional information on ADMET retrofits is available by contacting the company at 781-769-0850 or An online brochure including a "Retrofit Evaluation Form" used to assess equipment condition is available at:
ADMET Inc., founded in 1989, combines high-quality products and services to deliver the most efficient and cost effective materials testing systems. Its products range from new and used universal testing frames, to software and specialized control units, and grips and fixtures. The company also retrofits electromechanical, hydraulic and digitally controlled testing machines from any manufacturer to deliver more reliable test results, simplify operations, meet international standards and integrate with data collection systems. Highly skilled engineers provide customers with personalized research and development services and support to make ADMET the most responsive materials testing equipment supplier. ADMET's loyal customer base includes leading manufacturers, testing labs, researchers and universities in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, concrete, construction, metals, plastics, textiles and other industries. ADMET's products are widely distributed in North America, Central and South America, Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim. ADMET can be reached at 781-769-0850, or by visiting
For further information:
Marc Venet
781-769-0850 X13
Sandy McLaughlin
Soucy Communications Group