Acoustiblok® Corporation Combines Acoustifence® and Earth/Foliage Berm to Reduce Outdoor Noise Pollution
As any landscape professional already knows, installing trees and vegetation on a berm between roadway traffic and residences may be aesthetically pleasing, but these elements are not effective noise control barriers. Acoustiblok Inc., a world leader in noise abatement for both inside and outside installations, has announced the release of Acoustifence, a revolutionary new defense against outdoor noise pollution.
The fact is, foliage or trees on earth berms can actually increase noise. Since sound is dispersed in much the same way as light, it will penetrate and reflect off the foliage in all directions, including that side of the berm that is meant to be peaceful and quiet. Although the higher the berm, the better the sound deflection, it is far more affordable and more practical to increase the berm height by installing Acoustifence than it is to add fill to the berm.
Adding just a six-foot high Acoustifence to the berm not only drastically increases the berm's blocking protection, it eliminates the real problem of the sound reflecting off the foliage and into those outdoor spaces that are meant to be serene. Being limp and heavy as a sheet of soft lead, Acoustifence also produces far less noise reflection than solid barriers.
The all-weather Acoustifence can be hung from any substantial structure, such as a chain link or wood fence, or from a pipe frame structure.
A simple and economical noise abatement solution for both residential and industrial usage, Acoustifence is a 1/8-inch (3mm) thick material measuring 6-feet (1.82 meters) high by 30-feet (9.14 meters) long with black anodized brass eyelets along the top and bottom edge for easy attachment to any chain link fence or other framework with the 70, 125-lb. heavy duty nylon ties included with each roll. Easily installed or removed in less than one hour, entirely impervious to mold, mildew, and UV, Acoustifence is virtually indestructible.
The soundproofing material in Acoustifence is a proprietary formula of the Acoustiblok ® Corporation, developed and refined over an eight year period for various applications. Acoustiblok is recognized and sold world-wide, earning product awards from the British House of Commons, as well as industry publications including Builder News Magazine.
Acoustifence has proven performance in highway environments, construction sites, offshore oil rigs and waste-to-energy plants. One can accommodate any height fence or structure by simply overlapping the Acoustifence sections.
At a construction site, it can be attached to scaffolding or the building structure itself.
To store, the Acoustifence sections simply roll up like carpet into less than a 12-inch diameter.
Independent lab tests of the Acoustifence material shows a sound transmission classification (STC) of 28, which represents to the human ear an approximately 85-percent reduction in sound. However, results will vary greatly relative to surrounding sound-reflective objects such as buildings, structures or trees and the amount of Acoustifence installed.
Acoustifence is a real boon to landscape architects, who already know they can't rely on foliage to block noise. Additionally, it is a totally paintable, 100% recyclable, environmentally friendly answer to the problem of outdoor noise pollution.
Easily hidden and requiring minimal disruption to the plants, Acoustiblok President Lahnie Johnson believes the application potential of Acoustifence to landscaping projects is endless.
"This very simple, economical sound abatement product will be extremely popular in new and existing landscape settings thanks to its unequalled ability to reduce unpleasant exterior noise, allowing a better quality of life for anyone living on the side of a highway or any invasive noise source," he said. "After all, our mission is quieting the world."
(For those seeking the ultimate in outdoor noise reduction, Acoustiblok also manufactures the "All Weather Outdoor Sound Panels®.")
For more information on Acoustifence, visit our website at, call us at 813-980-1400, or E-mail us at