Accelerometer has configurable analog/digital outputs.
Press Release Summary:

Platinum Digital Smart Accelerometer has digital output that provides compensated and filtered data that can be streamed via RS485 or IRIG-106 encoded PCM at up to 3 Mbit/sec. Fully corrected analog output allows for inclusion in analog system. High (±40) and low (±5) g models are available in uniaxial, biaxial, or triaxial configurations, all of which include Windows-based software that allows user to configure range, filter, sample rate, and output signal.
Original Press Release:
New User-Configurable Digital/Analog Smart Accelerometer from Summit Instruments, Inc.
Akron, OH, July 1, 2004 - Summit Instruments, Inc. announces the release of the Platinum Digital Smart Accelerometer. The sensor supplies configurable analog and digital output of acceleration measurements in a 2 cubic inch rugged case. Digital output provides compensated and filtered data that can be streamed via RS485 or IRIG-106 encoded PCM at up to 3 Mbit/sec. Fully corrected analog output allows for easy inclusion in an analog system while adding the flexibility of digital sensor configuration.
High (±40) and low (±5) g models are available in uniaxial, biaxial, or triaxial configurations. Windows-based software allows the user to easily configure the range, filter, sample rate, and output signal. The sensor can accommodate most applications with sample rates up to 42,000 samples/sec/channel and frequencies up to 10kHz.
The accelerometer provides reliable data in a rugged aluminum package that can survive 500g powered and operates in the -40° to +85°C temperature range. In addition, internal power regulation ensures that the sensor can operate on any voltage between +8 and +30V.
The accelerometers are ideal for R&D, industrial, automotive, aerospace, and inertial measurement applications. Special introductory pricing begins at $795 and normal delivery time is less than two weeks.
Summit Instruments, Inc. also manufactures analog uniaxial, biaxial, and precision aligned triaxial accelerometers in addition to a fully contained Inertial Measurement System. All products are small, rugged, self-contained and suitable for aerospace, military, automotive, and research applications.
For more information including price quotes, additional product lines, and optional accessories, contact Summit Instruments, Inc. at 2236 N. Cleveland-Massillon Rd. Akron, OH 44333,,, or (330) 659-3312.