6-Axis CNC Tool/Insert Grinder produces high-quality tools.
Press Release Summary:

Model 628XS, GrindSmart series 6-axis grinder for manufacturing rotary cutting tools and inserts features rotary glass scale on tool rotation axis. Machine's software features interpolation capability and unit also optimizes surface finish on flute and ball relief. It is designed for producing endmills, drills, step drills, form tools, reamers, taps, and any derived variations, as well as surgical and orthopedic cutting tools, and is capable of insert periphery grinding.
Original Press Release:
Rollomatic Spotlights New 6-Axis CNC Tool Grinder and Insert Grinder at IMTS 2010
Mundelein - Rollomatic, a leading machine tool manufacturer based in Le Landeron, Switzerland, is exhibiting at the IMTS (International Manufacturing Technology Show) in September in Chicago, IL.
Rollomatic continues the success and growth of its GrindSmart series of multi-axis tool grinding machines by announcing the addition of a 6-axis grinder model 628XS. Particularly suited as a versatile tool grinder for manufacturing rotary cutting tools and inserts, this machine is the best choice for competitive toolmakers to produce the highest quality tools with total cost-efficiency. Combined with the new interpolation capability offered in the latest software upgrade as well as a rotary glass scale on the tool rotation axis, this new model features significant improvement in surface finish on the flute and the ball relief.
Rollomatic's strategy with this machine is based on offering the highest possible flexibility and quickest change-over time in production grinding of all types of cutting tools and inserts. This approach has resulted in substantial success of this machine's several predecessors as it will for this new model.
- Endmills, drills, step drills, form tools, reamers, taps and any derived variations
- High performance variations such as variable helix endmills, high-performance drill points
- Entire range of standard and special inserts, including threading, whirling, top-notch, replaceable tips
- Insert periphery grinding
- Entire range of surgical and orthopedic cutting tools including implant grinding
Rollomatic provides outstanding service and support from our North American headquarters in Mundelein, IL, as well as the satellite office on the West coast. For more information, visit us at:
www.RollomaticUSA.com or e-mail solutions@RollomaticUSA.com.