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The Ultimate Guide to Managing Generational Differences in the Workplace

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Generational Differences in the Workplace

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Generational Differences in the Workplace

For the first time in history, five different generations are working side by side in the workforce: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each of these generations display discernible patterns of personality traits and workstyles, all of which evolved from the major social, historical, and cultural fluctuations that characterized their childhoods and periods of adolescence.

By recognizing and honoring generational diversity, employers can customize their management styles to ensure each of their employees experiences job satisfaction. Happier employees equal increased productivity, which ultimately leads to a greater return on investment.

To create the ultimate multigenerational team, it is crucial to understand generational differences, including particular attributes, histories, and communication styles.

The Traditionalists: Sweat, Determination, and Hard Work

Born between the early 1920s and the mid-1940s, Traditionalists – also known as the silent generation – were born during a difficult era to parents who had lived through the Great Depression. When they came of age, many Traditionalists fought in either World War II or the Korean War. As working adults, these employees are heavily influenced by their military backgrounds.

It’s thus unsurprising that members of the silent generation firmly believe in respect for authority, sacrifice, loyalty, discipline, and hard work. They prefer a linear workstyle that approaches tasks within clearly defined parameters and excel when managed with respect and compassion.

Although most Traditionalists retired years ago, some remain in or are re-entering the workforce. With their vast wealth of knowledge and experience, they are highly qualified to act as mentors to younger generations.

The Baby Boomers: Work Hard, Play Hard

Named after the surge in births from the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s, the Baby Boomers matured during a time of extreme social and cultural upheaval. The civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, the Moon landing, and the counterculture movement all played significant roles in shaping this generation’s idealist attitudes and philosophies.

Having grown up believing in the American Dream, members of this generation are well-known for their optimism, ambitiousness, and live-to-work attitude. For Baby Boomers, their careers are more than a way to pay the bills; working is a deep-seated aspect of their identities.

They tend to gravitate towards jobs that provide them personal gratification, financial growth, flexible retirement plans, and upward mobility. They are eager to please and will strive for excellence when motivated by exciting projects, promotions, comprehensive benefits, and competitive salaries.

Generation X: The Cool Generation

Like the Baby Boomers, people born between the early 1960s and the early 1980s also grew up during a time of extreme cultural shifts. Known as “Gen Xers,” these employees witnessed the end of the Cold War, the impeachment investigation and resignation of President Nixon, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and a wide range of social crises.

Many people in this generation grew up in single-parent homes or families with two working parents. As a result, they learned self-reliance at a young age. Nestled between the Baby Boomer and Millennial eras, Generation X has been influenced by an analog childhood and a digital adulthood.

Although the media often represents Gen Xers as a generation of cool slackers, they are actually very diligent – though they tend to take a more relaxed approach to their overall careers in comparison to their predecessors. Known for their pragmatic intelligence, Gen Xers exhibit edgy skepticism, suspicion of authority figures, and adaptability in the workplace. Because they have a strong sense of independence, they prefer a casual management style that provides very little direction.

Millennials: An Avalanche of Snowflakes

Millennials represent those born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s. This generation grew up amidst wars, terrorist attacks, economic expansion and subsequent recession, and rapid technological advancements.

Unlike the previous generations, Millennials grew up during a child-focused era, which contributed to a sheltered worldview as well as a strong sense of individualism. This focus on individualism is one reason they have earned the nickname “snowflakes,” although it is often used in a pejorative sense by those who see Millennials as entitled or overly sensitive.

However, these negative stereotypes do not accurately represent this highly educated and technologically savvy generation.

Determined, lively, and bright, Millennials add great value to any team. When it comes to their careers, they value creativity, meaningfulness, and flexibility. Career growth is also very important to Millennials, and they function best when their managers take the time to guide them toward their future goals. They respond well to positivity and succeed in environments that reward them for excellence.

Gen Z: The TikTok Generation  

Just beginning to enter the workforce is Generation Z, the most ethnically and racially diverse generation , which includes those born between 1997 and 2012. Primarily the children of “cool” Gen X parents, Gen Zers are raised to be independent and self-assured, requiring far less coddling than the Millennials that came before them. 

At a young age, this generation witnessed the legalization of gay marriage, increased initiatives related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the election of the first Black president, Barack Obama, and the beginnings of mass-scale climate action. Considering all this, it’s no surprise that many Gen Zers care deeply about social and political issues. 

Having never lived in a world without the internet, Gen Zers are digital natives and avid social media users. In television shows and movies, they are often depicted as being obsessed with going viral, but their tech savviness shouldn’t be diminished. In the workplace, it is members of this generation who are most likely to welcome the adoption of new technologies in the workplace, including Artificial Intelligence (AI).  

More than any other generation, Gen Z employees consider their jobs to be a significant part of their identity. They’ll hunt for roles at companies that champion causes they hold dear or offer opportunities to carry out meaningful work. In the day-to-day, this translates to Gen Z being a generation of diligent and committed employees. In their leaders, they value inclusivity, transparency, approachability, and open communication. 

Best Practices for Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce 

Regardless of birth year, every member of every generation excels when they experience job satisfaction. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for managing generational diversity in your team. By addressing the many different personality traits of multiple generations and tailoring your management strategies to fit within these varying frameworks, you can build a dynamic team of top performers and bolster your company’s overall success.

Some of the best practices for managing a multi-generational workforce include:

  • Adapt recruitment strategies to include workers from a range of backgrounds
  • Avoid making age-based assumptions and stereotyping
  • Listen to your employees without judgment 
  • Customize your approach for each generation 
  • Understand and adapt to different communication styles
  • Refine feedback style to suit the preferences of each generation 
  • Conduct employee feedback surveys and in-depth exit interviews to ensure the needs of each generation are being met
  • Hold multi-generational training and team-building sessions 
  • Encourage cross-generational collaboration 
  • Establish mentoring and revers-mentoring programs 
  • Be open to new ideas and working methods

Multi-Generational Workforce Challenges 

Generational diversity in the workplace comes with many advantages. But it is not without its challenges:

  • Working Preferences – Younger generations may favor flexible working arrangements and the opportunity to work from home, while older generations are accustomed to working in an office environment every day. 
  • Values and Priorities – Baby Boomers are more likely to center life around work, while Millennials are more about work-life balance. Gen Zers often consider their jobs to be a significant part of their identity, which means they’ll scrutinize the values of their managers and employees. 
  • Communication Style – Younger employees typically prefer to communicate via email or text, while an older team member may prefer a phone call or face-to-face conversation. 
  • Dress Code – In recent years, many organizations have modernized their dress codes to remove outdated, excessively formal, or sexist guidelines. Older generations, who are far more accustomed to formal workwear, may equate the casual attire of their younger colleagues with poor work ethic. 

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