Thermal Care Now Uses Pansonic PLCs on Pump Tanks
NILES, IL - June 22, 2009 - Thermal Care has incorporated powerful Panasonic PLCs on its line of pump tanks that enable single point operation of chilling and tower systems. With a touch screen interface that displays multiple clear text operational and diagnostic screens, this control is quite intuitive. A systems schematic is shown that displays information for each component when touched. Multiple user safeties, warnings and alarms are provided. Pump and fan running hours are displayed along with the ability to change lead fans or pumps. When used in conjunction with Thermal Care's extensive line of heat transfer equipment, we can provide the most energy efficient, operationally intuitive, and productive system available.
Thermal Care engineers, designs and manufactures industrial process cooling systems, cooling towers, chillers, and temperature control units for the worldwide plastics industry. For further information on pump tanks with Panasonic PLCs please contact Thermal Care at 847-966-2260 or visit us on the web at
Company Name: Thermal Care, Inc.
Address 1: 7720 N. Lehigh Ave.
City: Niles
State: IL
Zip: 60714
Country: USA
Phone: 847-929-1909
Contact Name: Audrey Guidarelli
Title: Marketing Services Manager
For more information contact:
Tom Benson
Vice President of Sales & Marketing