Stäubli Connectors Division - Multi-Coupling Eliminates Misconnection on Extrusion Dies

Safe and fast connection of hydraulic lines and cooling circuits is important on plastic extrusion dies. Stäubli has a range of quick release connection products ideal for these demanding applications.

Stäubli, the specialists in connection solutions, recognise the importance of eliminating any chance of misconnection of the hydraulic and cooling circuits required on a typical plastic extrusion die. The use of a multi-coupling system such as the RMP 48 is recommended to provide safe and secure circuit connection.

The RMP 48 is a semi-automatic multi-coupling which can incorporate either 4 couplings (2 circuits) or 6 couplings (3 circuits) on the compact size plates. Stäubli's non spill, flush faced SPH 08 couplings are built into the plates for extrusion applications, they have a maximum operating pressure of 160 bar and provide a 8mm integral flow diameter.

The compact mobile plate, fitted on the extrusion die, can only connect in one position due to the locking mechanism being offset. This de-skills the job making a misconnection impossible, preventing the possibility of damage and avoiding the production of scrap.

The clean break SPH 08 couplings eliminate any risk of spillage of oil into the die or the ingress of air into the hydraulic circuit. All the couplings on the fixed plate are securely built in and cannot be damaged on handling. The locking system is easily operated and of a proven reliable and robust design. The non screwed locking handle can be removed to prevent any accidental disconnection.

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