Granger Plastics Pursues Sandsaver as a Tool to Ease the Pain of the Gulf Oil Spill

All across the globe, people are keeping a close eye on the problems caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil has caused and compounded numerous problems for wildlife, tourism and the economy in the affected areas. Though BP claims to be committed to the responsibility of cleaning up the mess, there will be decades of recovery ahead. Inevitably funding for this recovery will ultimately fall on the taxpayers and citizens of the coastal communities. Compounding the problems that this oil spill has created, beach erosion continues to plague these communities, even when their beautiful beaches are not contaminated by tens of millions of gallons of oil.

In a time that is desperate for environmentally responsible erosion solutions, Granger Plastics offers a product that is far superior to currently accepted beach re-nourishment practices, namely dredging. It is no secret that dredging damages delicate ecosystems and destroys sea life habitats as well as sea creatures both large and small. As many studies have shown, dredging actually increases the speed of beach erosion. With the additional problems caused by the oil spill, this type of damage and expense becomes less tolerable for the Gulf's coastal communities. The Sandsaver is a long lasting solution to re-nourish beaches. Unlike dredging, which is extremely expensive and temporary, The Sandsaver can be installed permanently, used repeatedly and even in multiple locations. Why waste valuable tax dollars on a temporary solution when The Sandsaver could make less money go much further?

The Sandsaver is innovative technology based on years of successful research and development of a prior accepted re-nourishment method known as the Sandgrabber. Sandgrabber operated as a system of cinder blocks tethered together along the coastline. Where Sandgrabber lacked innovation, Sandsaver improves on the concept, with significant improvements to the design and materials used. This system works in two ways. First it breaks down the natural energy of the wave reducing beach erosion. Second and more importantly it allows the natural force of the waves to bring sand through the modules onto the beach surface. The sand must then pass back through the module in order to wash back out to sea. The presence and design of the module allows more time for the sand to settle thus building beach. The use of Polyethylene solves the main issue the Sandgrabber faced during beach re-nourishment, which was the fact that the cinder blocks could not withstand the force of the waves over time.

For over seven years Granger Plastics has worked to further test The Sandsaver in its new and improved form. Each installation location Granger Plastics has secured has been stopped by political corruption and red tape. Many government agencies talk about environmentally responsible concepts but continue to employ irresponsible methods largely due to political funding and lobbying by large companies. Dredging companies in particular are well known for lobbying and funding political campaigns including presidential campaigns. As is the case so many times the padding of pockets wins over the responsible use of tax dollars and environmentally responsible solutions. In the wake of tragedy it is time to take the responsible road which has so far been passed over for greed.

Granger Plastics is pursuing a new campaign to expose corruption holding up this fiscally and environmentally responsible technology. It will now begin to tell the stories of corruption encountered on the road to bringing the Sandsaver to the public. Granger Plastics is also dedicated to educating the taxpayers and residents of coastal communities about the difference the Sandsaver could make in the renourishment of our beloved beaches as well as saving billions in tax dollars for the American people. Finally Granger Plastics extends its hand to the communities affected by the oil spill to partner with any area experiencing coastal erosion. With all of the issues of the Gulf Coast oil spill this is one definite way to take a step toward better beaches and more responsible spending for a better future in an area where the future looks bleak.

For more information in regards to Granger Plastics or the Sandsaver, please visit

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