ASTM International introduces hydrocarbon impurity testing method.

Press Release Summary:

ASTM International Committee has created D8098 standard for testing on petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants (D02). The committee is also developing standard method for determining impurities in propylene and ethylene by using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and hydrogen impurity testing. These new standards help in finding impurities that could affect downstream polymer process operations.

Original Press Release:

New ASTM International Standard Helps Meet Need for Hydrocarbon Impurity Testing

A new ASTM International standard aims to meet an industry need for testing impurities in hydrocarbons. Specifically, the test method addresses concerns with impurities in monomer feedstocks found in ethylene and propylene.

“The value of ethylene and propylene is partially based on purity, making accurate, low-level analysis and standardization important,” says member Shannon Coleman, an application scientist at Agilent Technologies. “This method analyzes permanent gasses such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide to levels as low as parts-per-billion.”

According to Coleman, a “pulsed discharge helium ionization detector” helps meet the challenge posed by analyzing gases at such levels.

The new standard (soon to be published as D8098) was created by ASTM International’s committee on petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants (D02).

Ethylene and propylene monomer producers, as well as polymer producers, will find the new standard most useful.

In addition to the new standard, the subcommittee on ethylene is developing a proposed standard for determining impurities in ethylene and propylene by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (WK55121). The test method will help determine impurities in ethylene and propylene that could affect downstream polymer process operations.

For more information on standards efforts with petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants, see this overview :

ASTM International welcomes participation ( The next meeting of the committee on petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants is Dec. 3-7 in Houston, Texas.

To purchase standards, contact +1.877.909.ASTM or

About ASTM International

Committed to serving global societal needs, ASTM International positively impacts public health and safety, consumer confidence, and overall quality of life. We integrate consensus standards - developed with our international membership of volunteer technical experts - and innovative services to improve lives… Helping our world work better.

Media Inquiries:

Dan Bergels

tel +1.610.832.9602

Committee Contact:

Alyson Fick

tel +1.610.832.9710

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