3D Laser Scan of Waste Water Treatment Plant

BC Engineering and Design engineers recently spent two days on site at a waste water treatment plant performing a 3D Laser scan of three levels and two rooms.

A total of 37 scans were taken using a FARO FOCUS 3D scanner.  The scans were registered into one point cloud using FARO Scene, VirtuSurv, and Kubit software to develop a 3D file to the customer. the file was exported to an external drive for transfer to the customer and made available by Webshare on the BC Engineering and Design website.

Total effort for the project was accomplished with two personnel on site and one engineer in the office, registering the scans.  Delivery was within two weeks.

For a sample of scan data go to our website at www.bcengineeringanddesign.com and the SceneShare dropdown.

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