San Francisco, CA 94115
Exception PCB Purchases Ledia Direct Imager from Ucamco
Exception PCB, one of the largest dedicated time and technology PCB manufacturers in the UK, has purchased a Ledia Direct Imager from Ucamco. To great satisfaction of all parties involved. More specifically, the direct imager is a Ledia 6 3-head 3-wavelength type. As the name suggests, the Ledia’s unique UV-LEDs light source combines three different wavelengths simultaneously. The wavelength...
Read More »Exception PCB Purchases Ledia Direct Imager from Ucamco
Exception PCB, one of the largest dedicated time and technology PCB manufacturers in the UK, has purchased a Ledia Direct Imager from Ucamco. To great satisfaction of all parties involved. More specifically, the direct imager is a Ledia 6 3-head 3-wavelength type. As the name suggests, the Ledia’s unique UV-LEDs light source combines three different wavelengths simultaneously. The wavelength...
Read More »Pentalogix Implements Gerber X3
Pentalogix and Ucamco announce the release of Pentalogix’s Gerber X3 output. Tualatin, OR based company Pentalogix, who has been working closely with Gerber format developers Ucamco for years, had already successfully implemented Gerber X2. They now follow suit with the implementation of component layer output. The component layer output has been fully verified by Ucamco, who confirm it...
Read More »Pentalogix Implements Gerber X3
Pentalogix and Ucamco announce the release of Pentalogix’s Gerber X3 output. Tualatin, OR based company Pentalogix, who has been working closely with Gerber format developers Ucamco for years, had already successfully implemented Gerber X2. They now follow suit with the implementation of component layer output. The component layer output has been fully verified by Ucamco, who confirm it...
Read More »Ucamco Releases Integr8tor v2020.08, Introduces UcamX Workflow Edition (WE)
Ucamco is happy and proud to present Integr8tor v2020.08. The newest release comes with a series of significant improvements, including the brand new UcamX Workflow Edition (WE) Graphics Editor. Click the links below for the complete release overview a more elaborate explanation in video a list of code changes and fixes More information is available at...
Read More »Ucamco Releases Integr8tor v2020.08, Introduces UcamX Workflow Edition (WE)
Ucamco is happy and proud to present Integr8tor v2020.08. The newest release comes with a series of significant improvements, including the brand new UcamX Workflow Edition (WE) Graphics Editor. Click the links below for the complete release overview a more elaborate explanation in video a list of code changes and fixes More information is available at...
Read More »New Gerber X3 Format Software from Ucamco is Ideal for PCB Industry
Adds component layers to the top and bottom of the Gerber file structure, enabling circuit designers to add assembly information. Provides an integrated overview of the entire board, enabling operators to visualize component placement to check for errors and set up assembly. Analyzes the incoming data, allowing for visual inspection and the generation of programmes for assembly production line...
Read More »New Gerber X3 Format Software from Ucamco is Ideal for PCB Industry
Adds component layers to the top and bottom of the Gerber file structure, enabling circuit designers to add assembly information. Provides an integrated overview of the entire board, enabling operators to visualize component placement to check for errors and set up assembly. Analyzes the incoming data, allowing for visual inspection and the generation of programmes for assembly production line...
Read More »New Gerber X2 Allows Designers to Create and Edit PCB Job Files
Gerber X2 adds intelligence to image data by providing a standard for defining the layer structure. Provides information such as via and SMD identification, pin numbers and reference descriptions. Prone to potential errors can be limited by language and terminology barriers.
Read More »New Gerber X2 Allows Designers to Create and Edit PCB Job Files
Gerber X2 adds intelligence to image data by providing a standard for defining the layer structure. Provides information such as via and SMD identification, pin numbers and reference descriptions. Prone to potential errors can be limited by language and terminology barriers.
Read More »IPC-DPMX Import in Upcoming Integr8tor and UcamX Releases
Ucamco is proud to announce the inclusion of an industrialized IPC-DPMX import in our upcoming Integr8tor and UcamX releases. We are now able to read input from IPC-DPMX, also known as IPC-2581 jobs in both software products. Over the past months, Ucamco has made great strides to industrialize the process and we are confident to say that everything has been field-tested extensively. In the...
Read More »IPC-DPMX Import in Upcoming Integr8tor and UcamX Releases
Ucamco is proud to announce the inclusion of an industrialized IPC-DPMX import in our upcoming Integr8tor and UcamX releases. We are now able to read input from IPC-DPMX, also known as IPC-2581 jobs in both software products. Over the past months, Ucamco has made great strides to industrialize the process and we are confident to say that everything has been field-tested extensively. In the...
Read More »Exception PCB Purchases Ledia Direct Imager from Ucamco
Exception PCB, one of the largest dedicated time and technology PCB manufacturers in the UK, has purchased a Ledia Direct Imager from Ucamco. To great satisfaction of all parties involved. More specifically, the direct imager is a Ledia 6 3-head 3-wavelength type. As the name suggests, the Ledia’s unique UV-LEDs light source combines three different wavelengths simultaneously. The wavelength...
Read More »Exception PCB Purchases Ledia Direct Imager from Ucamco
Exception PCB, one of the largest dedicated time and technology PCB manufacturers in the UK, has purchased a Ledia Direct Imager from Ucamco. To great satisfaction of all parties involved. More specifically, the direct imager is a Ledia 6 3-head 3-wavelength type. As the name suggests, the Ledia’s unique UV-LEDs light source combines three different wavelengths simultaneously. The wavelength...
Read More »Pentalogix Implements Gerber X3
Pentalogix and Ucamco announce the release of Pentalogix’s Gerber X3 output. Tualatin, OR based company Pentalogix, who has been working closely with Gerber format developers Ucamco for years, had already successfully implemented Gerber X2. They now follow suit with the implementation of component layer output. The component layer output has been fully verified by Ucamco, who confirm it...
Read More »Pentalogix Implements Gerber X3
Pentalogix and Ucamco announce the release of Pentalogix’s Gerber X3 output. Tualatin, OR based company Pentalogix, who has been working closely with Gerber format developers Ucamco for years, had already successfully implemented Gerber X2. They now follow suit with the implementation of component layer output. The component layer output has been fully verified by Ucamco, who confirm it...
Read More »Ucamco Releases Integr8tor v2020.08, Introduces UcamX Workflow Edition (WE)
Ucamco is happy and proud to present Integr8tor v2020.08. The newest release comes with a series of significant improvements, including the brand new UcamX Workflow Edition (WE) Graphics Editor. Click the links below for the complete release overview a more elaborate explanation in video a list of code changes and fixes More information is available at...
Read More »Ucamco Releases Integr8tor v2020.08, Introduces UcamX Workflow Edition (WE)
Ucamco is happy and proud to present Integr8tor v2020.08. The newest release comes with a series of significant improvements, including the brand new UcamX Workflow Edition (WE) Graphics Editor. Click the links below for the complete release overview a more elaborate explanation in video a list of code changes and fixes More information is available at...
Read More »New Gerber X3 Format Software from Ucamco is Ideal for PCB Industry
Adds component layers to the top and bottom of the Gerber file structure, enabling circuit designers to add assembly information. Provides an integrated overview of the entire board, enabling operators to visualize component placement to check for errors and set up assembly. Analyzes the incoming data, allowing for visual inspection and the generation of programmes for assembly production line...
Read More »New Gerber X3 Format Software from Ucamco is Ideal for PCB Industry
Adds component layers to the top and bottom of the Gerber file structure, enabling circuit designers to add assembly information. Provides an integrated overview of the entire board, enabling operators to visualize component placement to check for errors and set up assembly. Analyzes the incoming data, allowing for visual inspection and the generation of programmes for assembly production line...
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