Aprima Medical Software, Inc
Carrollton, TX 75006

New X-Rite Measurement Devices Measure Cylinder Shapes for Packaging, Plastics and Industrial Applications
Can measure textured, reflective, translucent, and transparent samples using ISO-compliant Munsell backing material. Include a sample-positioning arm to hold the sample at the correct height and angle. Allows the operator to move the sample or rotate it to measure different locations.
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New X-Rite Measurement Devices Measure Cylinder Shapes for Packaging, Plastics and Industrial Applications
Can measure textured, reflective, translucent, and transparent samples using ISO-compliant Munsell backing material. Include a sample-positioning arm to hold the sample at the correct height and angle. Allows the operator to move the sample or rotate it to measure different locations.
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Dallas Police HQ Chooses Boon Edam Security Doors to Secure Its Lobby
Tourlock 180+90 revolving door prevents tailgating and piggybacking and provides maximum security while controlling traffic flow. LILLINGTON, N.C. (PRWEB) JULY 10, 2019 There is a saying that “Everything is Bigger in Texas,” and the Dallas, Texas police department is no exception. The city of Dallas is ranked in the top 10 cities in the U.S. in terms of population, at 1.2 million people. The...
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Dallas Police HQ Chooses Boon Edam Security Doors to Secure Its Lobby
Tourlock 180+90 revolving door prevents tailgating and piggybacking and provides maximum security while controlling traffic flow. LILLINGTON, N.C. (PRWEB) JULY 10, 2019 There is a saying that “Everything is Bigger in Texas,” and the Dallas, Texas police department is no exception. The city of Dallas is ranked in the top 10 cities in the U.S. in terms of population, at 1.2 million people. The...
Read More »New Teledyne Test Tools T3RC Rogowski Current Probes by Saelig Offers Broad Current Measurement Ranges
Available in 5 models which are, T3RC0300-UM , T3RC0600-HF, T3RC3000-HF, T3RC3000-LF and T3RC6000-LF. Measures up to 6000Amps of Current coverage and 10kV of Voltage insulation. Operates at a temperature range of -40degC to +125degC on (UM and HF), -20degC to100degC (LF).
Read More »New Teledyne Test Tools T3RC Rogowski Current Probes by Saelig Offers Broad Current Measurement Ranges
Available in 5 models which are, T3RC0300-UM , T3RC0600-HF, T3RC3000-HF, T3RC3000-LF and T3RC6000-LF. Measures up to 6000Amps of Current coverage and 10kV of Voltage insulation. Operates at a temperature range of -40degC to +125degC on (UM and HF), -20degC to100degC (LF).
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New D/3 Version 16.1 DCS Software is Designed to Ease the Addition of Enhanced Functionality
Can be used to simulate any existing configuration without changing the application code. Capable to train personnel and develop, demonstrate, and validate prospective changes without impacting production or safety. Ability to define sequence units without interrupting production.
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New D/3 Version 16.1 DCS Software is Designed to Ease the Addition of Enhanced Functionality
Can be used to simulate any existing configuration without changing the application code. Capable to train personnel and develop, demonstrate, and validate prospective changes without impacting production or safety. Ability to define sequence units without interrupting production.
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New High-Performance HMI Touchscreen from IDEC Provide Space Saving All-in-One Automation Solution
Available in HG2G-V5 5.7”, HG3G-V8 8.4”, HG3G-VA 10.4” and HG4G-VC 12.1” models. Provides high resolution display: 1024 x 768 pixels and backlight life of 100,000 hours with up to 800 cd/m2 brightness. Operating temperature range of -20°C to +60°C and IP66F, IP67F, Type 4X, 12, 13, and Class I Div 2 approval ratings.
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New High-Performance HMI Touchscreen from IDEC Provide Space Saving All-in-One Automation Solution
Available in HG2G-V5 5.7”, HG3G-V8 8.4”, HG3G-VA 10.4” and HG4G-VC 12.1” models. Provides high resolution display: 1024 x 768 pixels and backlight life of 100,000 hours with up to 800 cd/m2 brightness. Operating temperature range of -20°C to +60°C and IP66F, IP67F, Type 4X, 12, 13, and Class I Div 2 approval ratings.
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