Preventing Mold While Drying and Curing Cannabis

It is impossible to prevent mold spores from traveling into your curing space. Mold spores have been found everywhere, from the desert to Antarctica to the International Space Station. But just because the spores are everywhere doesn’t mean that specific types of mold will actually grow everywhere. Like other living things, molds have requirements that dictate where they will grow. This is where we as growers can protect our cannabis while curing.

The cannabis should be fully trimmed before it enters the curing phase. Buds should appear how you want them to appear when they will be consumed, which includes clipping them down to their desired size and removing excess stems. The cannabis should not crumble when squeezed nor feel moist to the touch, and the stems should snap when bent.

At this point, the cannabis can be put into jars or airtight totes to begin the curing phase. Once inside these containers, moisture from the stems and buds will seep into the air and the rest of the buds. This moisture being released removes impurities from the buds, but also it is what puts buds at risk for mold during curing. From here there are a number of ways to protect your product from molding as the curing process begins.

Desiccare, Inc.

985 Damonte Ranch Parkway

Suite 320

Reno, NV 89521

Phone: 909-444-8272



Analize del Rosario

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