IBM Rational ClearCase V6.15 and IBM Rational ClearQuest V6.15: New Passport Advantage part numbers available for z/OS customers

You can use Passport Advantage® part numbers to order the following products for z/OS®:

IBM Rational® ClearCase® V6.15
IBM Rational ClearQuest® V6.15
Order these part numbers when there is an intention to acquire these products for management of assets on the z/OS platform. The functional operation and features within these products remain unchanged. These part numbers provide the identical supply and authorization as other part numbers previously announced. The distinction is to identify the planned management platform. Refer to the specific software announcements listed in the Reference information section for more information.

This new ordering information is in addition to the existing Passport Advantage numbers used for all other platforms.

For additional information on IBM Rational ClearCase and IBM Rational ClearQuest products, refer to Software Announcement 203-277 , dated October 14, 2003.

For more information on IBM Rational products, visit
For information about the IBM Passport Advantage program, visit
Refer to Software Announcement 203-277 , dated October 14, 2003.

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Availability date

November 22, 2005: Electronic software delivery
November 22, 2005: Media and documentation

Passport Advantage, z/OS, ClearCase, Rational, and ClearQuest are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

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Ordering information

This product is only available via Passport Advantage®. It is not available as shrinkwrap.

Product information

function title Product group Product category

Rational(R) Software Change Software Change
ClearCase(R) and Configuratn and Configuratn
and ClearCase Mgt Mgt

Rational Software Change Software Change
ClearCase and Configuratn and Configuratn
Change Mgt Mgt

Rational Software Change Software Change
ClearCase and Configuratn and Configuratn
Change Mgt Mgt

Rational Software Change Software Change
ClearCase and Configuratn and Configuratn
MultiSite Mgt Mgt

Rational Software Change Software Change
ClearCase and Configuratn and Configuratn
Mgt Mgt

Rational Software Change Software Change
ClearQuest(R) and Configuratn and Configuratn
and ClearQuest Mgt Mgt

Rational Software Change Software Change
ClearQuest and Configuratn and Configuratn
MultiSite Mgt Mgt

Rational Software Change Software Change
ClearQuest and Configuratn and Configuratn
Mgt Mgt
Charge metrics definitions

Authorized User:

An Authorized User (User) is one and only one individual, machine, program or device with a specific identity (ID) within or outside your enterprise.

A Proof of Entitlement (PoE) is evidence of your authorization to use a program and is required for each User accessing the program or any component, application, feature, function and/or capability thereof, either directly or indirectly, through any means on behalf of the User in any manner.

The program may be installed on one or more computers, and accessed by multiple Users provided that a User authorization has been obtained for each individual User.

Users have unique specific identity and IDs cannot be shared.
An ID may establish one or more connections and count as a single User.
An ID may only be reassigned for the long-term replacement of personnel, machine, program, or device.
Floating User

You may utilize the program, including installation of the program on multiple servers, provided that use of the program occurs via a license server, and the total number of concurrent users does not exceed the total number of Floating User licenses obtained for the Program.

Passport Advantage licensing

Rational ClearCase

Program name/description number

Ratl ClearCase Floatuser zSeries(R) D56CKLL
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Floatuser zSeries D56CLLL
SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Fltusr zSeries D56DZLL
from Ratl Clearcaselt Fltusr
Trdup Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Fltusr zSeries D56E0LL
from Bndld RatlCCLt Fltusr Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Fltusr zSeries D56CMLL
from Competitive Trade Up Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Floatuser zSeries E028PLL
Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Rational ClearCase Chnge Mgmt Soltn Entprse Ed

Program name/description number

Ratl ClearCase Chng Mgmt Solsn Ent Ed D56B9LL
Fltusr zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Chng Mgmt Solsn Ent Ed D56BALL
Fltusr zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl CCCMSolEE Fltusr from Ratl D56DYLL
ChngMgmtSol Fltusr zSeries Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl CCCMSolEE Fltusr zSeries D56BHLL
from Competitive Trade Up Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Chng Mgmt Solsn Ent Ed E028LLL
Fltusr zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Rational ClearCase MultiSite®

Program name/description number

Ratl ClearCase MultiSite Floatuser D56CYLL
zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase MultiSite Floatuser D56CZLL
zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl CC MS Fltusr zSeries from D56D0LL
Competitive Trade Up Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase MultiSite Floatuser E028RLL
zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Rational ClearCase and ClearCase MultiSite

Program name/description number

Ratl ClearCase and ClearCase D56ADLL
MultiSite Floatusr zSeries
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase and ClearCase D56B2LL
MultiSite Floatusr zSeries SW
Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl CC and CC MS Fltusr zSeries D56B7LL
From Competitive Tradeup Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase and ClearCase E028FLL
MultiSite Floatusr zSeries
Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Rational ClearCase MS Windows(TM)

Program name/description number

Ratl ClearCase Change Mgmt Solutn D56C9LL
Floatuser zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Change Mgmt D56CALL
Solutn Floatuser zSeries SW
Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl CC ChgMgt Sol Fltusr D56CCLL
zSeries from Competitive Tradeup
Trdup Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Change Mgmt Solutn E028MLL
Floatuser zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Rational ClearQuest

Program name/description number

Ratl ClearQuest Floatuser D56DBLL
zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest Floatuser D56DCLL
zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest Fltusr zSeries D56DKLL
from Ratl ClearDDTS(R) Fltusr Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest Fltusr zSeries D56DLLL
from Competitive Trade Up Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest Floatuser E028XLL
zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Ratl ClearQuest Authorized User D56DDLL
zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest Authorized User D56DELL
zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest Athusr zSeries D56DFLL
from Ratl Clearddts Athusr Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo

Program name/description number

Ratl Clearquest Athusr zSeries D56DGLL
from Competitive Trade Up Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl Clearquest Fltusr zSeries D56RSLL
from Ratl Clearquest Authus
zSeries Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest Authorized User E028YLL
zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Rational ClearQuest MultiSite

Program name/description number

Ratl ClearQuest MultiSite Floatusr D56DHLL
zSeries Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest MultiSite Floatusr D56DILL
zSeries SW Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl CQ MS Fltusr zSeries from D56DJLL
Competitive Trade Up Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest MultiSite Floatusr E028ZLL
zSeries Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Rational ClearQuest and ClearQuest MultiSite

Program name/description number

Ratl ClearQuest and ClearQuest D56CULL
Multisite Floatusr zSeries
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest and ClearQuest D56CWLL
Multisite Floatusr zSeries SW
Maint Reinstate 12 Mo
Ratl CQ and CQ MS Fltusr zSeries D56CXLL
from Competitive Tradeup Trdup
Lic+SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest and ClearQuest E028QLL
Multisite Floatusr zSeries
Annual SW Maint Rnwl
Passport Advantage Supply

Program name/description number

Ratl CC Chg Mgmt Sol V6.0.0
Media Pack English U.S. Windows BT00RNA
2000, Windows XP, Solaris (Sun
Microsystems), Windows NT(TM), HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital Disk -- ISO
9660 Standard V6.0.0

Ratl CC Chg Mgt Sol EE V6.0.0
Media Pack English U.S. Windows BT00MNA
2000, Windows XP, Solaris (Sun
Microsystems), Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital Disk -- ISO
9660 Standard V6.0.0

Ratl CC MultiSite V6.0.0
Media Pack English U.S. Windows BT00PNA
2000, Windows XP, Solaris (Sun
Microsystems), Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital Disk -- ISO
9660 Standard V6.0.0

Program name/description number

Ratl CC and MultiSite V6.0.0
Media Pack English U.S. Windows BT00QNA
2000, Windows XP, Solaris (Sun
Microsystems), Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital Disk -- ISO
9660 Standard V6.0.0

Ratl CQ MultiSite V6.0.0
Media Pack English U.S. Windows BT00UNA
2000, Windows XP, Solaris (Sun
Microsystems), Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital Disk -- ISO
9660 Standard V6.0.0

Ratl CQ and MultiSite V6.0.0
Media Pack English U.S. Windows BT00VNA
2000, Windows XP, Solaris (Sun
Microsystems), Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital Disk -- ISO
9660 Standard V6.0.0

Ratl ClearCase V6.0.0
Media Pack English U.S. Windows BT00LNA
2000, Windows XP, Solaris (Sun
Microsystems), Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital Disk -- ISO
9660 Standard V6.0.0

Ratl ClearQuest V6.0.0
Media Pack English U.S. Windows BT00TNA
2000, Windows XP, Solaris (Sun
Microsystems), Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital Disk -- ISO
9660 Standard V6.0.0
Passport Advantage customer: Media pack entitlement details
Customers with active maintenance or subscription for the products listed below are entitled to receive the corresponding media pack.

Ratl CC Chg Mgmt Sol V6.0.0

offerings Media packs Part
description description number

Rational Ratl CC Chg Mgmt Sol BT00RNA
ClearCase English U.S. Windows
CMS 2000, Windows XP,
Floating Solaris (Sun
User Microsystems),
zSeries Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital
Disk -- ISO 9660
Ratl CC Chg Mgt Sol EE V6.0.0

offerings Media packs Part
description description number

Rational Ratl CC Chg Mgt Sol BT00MNA
ClearCase EE English U.S.
CMS Windows 2000,
Enterprise Windows XP,
Ed Solaris (Sun
Floating Microsystems),
User Windows NT, HP-UX
zSeries 11.x CD-ROM Digital
Disk -- ISO 9660
Ratl CC MultiSite V6.0.0

offerings Media packs Part
description description number

Rational Ratl CC MultiSite BT00PNA
ClearCase English U.S. Windows
MultiSite 2000, Windows XP,
Floating Solaris (Sun
User Microsystems),
zSeries Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital
Disk -- ISO 9660
Ratl CC and MultiSite V6.0.0

offerings Media packs Part
description description number

Rational Ratl CC and MultiSite BT00QNA
ClearCase English U.S. Windows
and 2000, Windows XP,
ClearCase Solaris (Sun
Multisite Microsystems),
Floatusr Windows NT, HP-UX
zSeries 11.x CD-ROM Digital
Disk -- ISO 9660
Ratl CQ MultiSite V6.0.0

offerings Media packs Part
description description number

Rational Ratl CQ MultiSite BT00UNA
ClearQuest English U.S. Windows
MultiSite 2000, Windows XP,
Floating Solaris (Sun
User Microsystems),
zSeries Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital
Disk -- ISO 9660
Ratl CQ and MultiSite V6.0.0

offerings Media packs Part
description description number

Rational Ratl CQ and MultiSite BT00VNA
ClearQuest & English U.S. Windows
ClearQuest 2000, Windows XP,
MultiSite Solaris (Sun
FloatUser Microsystems),
zSeries Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital
Disk -- ISO 9660
Ratl ClearCase V6.0.0

offerings Media packs Part
description description number

Rational Ratl ClearCase BT00LNA
ClearCase English U.S. Windows
Floating 2000, Windows XP,
User Solaris (Sun
zSeries Microsystems),
Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital
Disk -- ISO 9660
Ratl ClearQuest V6.0.0

offerings Media packs Part
description description number

Rational Ratl ClearQuest BT00TNA
ClearQuest English U.S. Windows
Floating 2000, Windows XP,
User Solaris (Sun
zSeries Microsystems),
Windows NT, HP-UX
11.x CD-ROM Digital
Disk -- ISO 9660
Cross platform product for use on zSeries
Order the part numbers below when there is an intention to acquire this cross platform product for deployment on zSeries/S/390® platform. This set of part numbers provides the identical supply and authorization as the other set in this announcement. The distinction is to identify the planned deployment platform.

Program name/description number

Ratl CC and CC MultiSite D56B2LL
FloatUsr zSeries SW Maintenance
Reinstatemt 12 Mo
Ratl CC and CC MultiSite FloatUsr E028FLL
zSeries SW Maintenance Annual Renewal
Ratl CC and CC MultiSite D56ADLL
FloatUsr zSeries License & SW
Maintenance 12 Mo

Program name/description number

Ratl CCCMSolEE FltUsr fr Ratl D531BLL
ChngMgmtSol FltUsr TrdUp Lic &
SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl CCCMSolEE FltUsr from D537XLL
Competitive TrdUp Lic & SW
Maintenance 12 Months
Ratl CCCMSolEE FltUsr zSeries fr D56BHLL
Competitive Tradeup Lic & SW
Maint 12 Mo
Ratl CCCMSolEE FltUsr fr Ratl D56DYLL
ChngMgmtSol FltUsr zSeries Lic &
SWMaint 12Mo
Ratl CC Chg Mgt Sol EE FltUsr zSeries D56B9LL
License & SW Maintenance 12 Months
Ratl CC Chg Mgt Sol EE FltUsr zSeries E028LLL
SW Maintenance Annual Renewal
Ratl CC Chg Mgt Sol EE FltUsr D56BALL
zSeries SW Maintenance
Reinstatement 12 Mo
Ratl CC Chg Mgmt Sol FloatUser D56CALL
zSeries SW Maintenance
Reinstatement 12 Mo
Ratl CC Chg Mgmt Sol FloatUser zSeries E028MLL
SW Maintenance Annual Renewal
Ratl CC Chg Mgmt Sol Floating D56C9LL
User zSeries Lic & SW
Maintenance 12 Months
Ratl CC MultiSite Floating User E028RLL
zSeries SW Maint Annual Renewal
Ratl CC MultiSite Floating User D56CZLL
zSeries SW Maintenance
Reinstatement 12 Mo
Ratl CC MultiSite Floating User zSeries D56CYLL
License & SW Maintenance 12 Months
Ratl CC FltUsr from Bndld Ratl CCLt D5318LL
FltUsr Tradeup Lic & SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl CC FltUsr from Competitive Tradeup D537WLL
License & SW Maintenance 12 Months
Ratl ClearCase FltUsr zSeries fr D56CMLL
Competitive TrdUp Lic & SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl CC FltUsr fr Ratl CC Lt FltUsr D5317LL
TrdUp Lic & SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl CC FltUsr zSeries fr Ratl CCLt D56DZLL
FltUsr TrdUp Lic & SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase FltUsr zSeries fr Bndld D56E0LL
RatlCClt FltUsr Lic & SW Maint 12 Mo
Ratl ClearCase Floating Users zSeries E028PLL
SW Maintenance Annual Renewal
Ratl ClearCase Float User zSeries D56CKLL
License & SW Maintenance 12 Months
Ratl ClearCase Floating Users D56CLLL
zSeries SW Maintenance
Reinstatement 12 Mo
Ratl CQ and CQ MS FltUsr zSeries D56CWLL
SW Maintenance Reinstatement 12
Ratl CQ and CQ MS Floating Usr zSeries D56CULL
License & SW Maintenance 12 Mo
Ratl CQ and CQ MS Floating Users E028QLL
zSeries SW Maintenance Annual Renewal
Ratl CQ MS Floating Users D56DILL
zSeries SW Maintenance
Reinstatement 12 Months
Ratl CQ MS Floating Users zSeries E028ZLL
SW Maintenance Annual Renewal
Ratl CQ MS Floating Users zSeries D56DHLL
License & SW Maintenance 12 Months
Ratl ClearQuest Authorized Users D56DFLL
License & SW Maintenance 12 Months
Ratl ClearQuest Authorized Users D56DGLL
License & SW Maintenance 12 Months

Program name/description number

Ratl CQ Floating Users zSeries E028XLL
SW Maintenance Annual Renewal
Ratl ClearQuest Authorized D56DDLL
Users zSeries License & SW
Maintenance 12 Mo
Ratl ClearQuest Floating Users D56DCLL
zSeries SW Maintenance
Reinstatement 12 Mo

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Terms and conditions

This product is only available via Passport Advantage. It is not available as shrinkwrap.

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IBM Electronic Services

IBM Global Services has transformed its delivery of hardware and software support services to put you on the road to higher systems availability. IBM Electronic Services is a Web-enabled solution that provides you with an exclusive, no additional charge enhancement to the service and support on the IBM . You should benefit from greater system availability due to faster problem resolution and pre-emptive monitoring. IBM Electronic Services is comprised of two separate but complementary elements: IBM Electronic Services news page and IBM Electronic Service Agent(TM).

IBM Electronic Services news page provides you with a single Internet entry point that replaces the multiple entry points traditionally used by customers to access IBM Internet services and support. By using the news page, it enables you to gain easier access to IBM resources for assistance in resolving technical problems.

The IBM Electronic Service Agent is no additional charge software that resides on your IBM system. It is designed to proactively monitor events and transmit system inventory information to IBM on a periodic customer-defined timetable. The IBM Electronic Service Agent tracks system inventory, hardware error logs and performance information. If the server is under a current IBM maintenance service agreement or within the IBM Warranty period, the Service Agent automatically reports hardware problems to IBM. Early knowledge about potential problems enables IBM to provide proactive service that maintains higher system availability and performance. In addition, information collected through the Service Agent will be made available to IBM service support representatives when they are helping answer your questions or diagnosing problems.

To learn how IBM Electronic Services can work for you, visit:
to learn how IBM Electronic Services can work for you.

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The charges are unchanged by this announcement.

Global Financing
IBM Global Financing offers competitive financing to credit-qualified customers to assist them in acquiring IT solutions. Our offerings include financing for IT acquisition, including hardware, software and services, both from IBM and other manufacturers or vendors. Offerings (for all customer segments: small, medium and large enterprise), rates, terms, and availability can vary by country. Contact your local IBM Global Financing organization or visit the Web at
Use the "Select a Country" Menu, to find a contact in your location (or country).


Electronic Service Agent is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.

Passport Advantage, ClearCase, Rational, ClearQuest, zSeries, ClearCase MultiSite, ClearDDTS, and S/390 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.

Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

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