More Language Options Open on Reed Website

Reed Manufacturing, Erie, PA is developing landing pages in several languages to allow our website to provide a worldwide welcome to visitors.

In early July, Reed opened the new landing page for French-speakers at To reach the new page, choose the map in the upper right of the homepage and choose the French option.

Additionally, the Plastic Pipe Tools chapter (Herramientas para tubos plásticos) is now open in Spanish. This means Reed has a Spanish equivalent page for each tool in that category. In early June, Reed opened the Spanish Cutters & Cutter Wheels chapter (Cortadoras y Cuchillas). Reed's Spanish-speaking customers and sales team have welcomed gladly the expansion of the website. To reach the entire Spanish section, choose ESPAÑOL from the map in the upper right of Reed's homepage at

The next landing page to open will be Chinese to support Reed's sales team in place in the Far East. It should be ready in August 2010. Other planned pages are German, Arabic, and Italian

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