Free Webinars From

As part of our commitment to supporting customers and industry practitioners with information that adds value to your work, we’re adding a new page to our website where you can access free webinars on topics from VCOs to MMIC amplifier design to test equipment applications, and more.

How to use our new webinar library:

  1. From our home page, navigate to “Applications” on the menu bar and select “Webinars.”

  2. There, you will find a listing of webinars sponsored by Mini-Circuits, a description of each webinar, and a link to watch the video.

  3. Press play, and tune in!

Mini-Circuits is pleased to provide this interactive educational resource on our website for RF/microwave engineers in many different areas of interest.  It’s another example of our dedication to serving our customers’ needs and exceeding expectations – that’s the Mini-Circuits way.

Visit our new webinars page today and enjoy these exciting online presentations.

Also available on the Mini-Circuits YouTube channel!

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