ASTM to develop calibration standard for viscometers.

Press Release Summary:

Being developed by Subcommittee E37.08 on Rheology, part of ASTM International Committee E37 on Thermal Measurements, ASTM WK43494, Test Method for Viscosity Calibration of Rotational Viscometers, will improve agreement of results between laboratories. Once approved, standard will be used by those in paint, petroleum, plastics, adhesive, and rubber industries, where standards already exist for rotational viscometry.

Original Press Release:

ASTM Thermal Measurements Committee Developing Standard for Viscosity Calibration of Rotational Viscometers

W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., —Rotational viscometry is an easily used tool for determining the viscosity of fluids, including paints, petroleum products and polymer solutions. While standards often make use of rotational viscometry, a procedure for calibrating or validating the measurement is not always part of the standard, which could lead to results that differ from one laboratory to another.

A proposed user viscosity calibration standard will improve the agreement of results between laboratories. ASTM WK43494, Test Method for Viscosity Calibration of Rotational Viscometers, is being developed by Subcommittee E37.08 on Rheology, part of ASTM International Committee E37 on Thermal Measurements.

“E37 has as its goal the generation of standards so that each signal from thermal analysis or rheometry apparatus may be calibrated or verified by the user,” says Roger Blaine, an ASTM fellow and an E37 member since 1973. “User calibration ensures that the results obtained in one laboratory may be compared with those obtained in another.”

Once it has been approved, ASTM WK43494 will be used by those in the paint, petroleum, plastics, adhesive and rubber industries, where standards already exist for rotational viscometry. E37.08 will be developing standards for calibration of signals from a variety of rheometric measurement devices and welcomes participation from all interested parties.

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ASTM Committee E37 Next Meeting: March 14, 2014, ASTM International Headquarters, West Conshohocken, Pa.

Technical Contact: Roger Blaine, Corvallis, Ore., Phone: 302-559-6827;

ASTM Staff Contact: Christine DeJong, Phone: 610-832-9736;

ASTM PR Contact: Barbara Schindler, Phone: 610-832-9603;

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